Advice, Self Care, Self Improvement

On Being Present

She didn't even hear me. Ugh, that was a little embarrassing. Shake it off. What do I do? There's no one else to talk to. Guess I'll look at Pinterest and be on my phone too. She starts laughing, showing me a funny video clip. I say something about it and... she doesn't hear me...… Continue reading On Being Present

Advice, Being Single And Happy, Dating and Relationships, Self Improvement

Walk Away From Toxic Situations To Help Humanity

Some of us grew up with examples of staying in toxic situations. Some of us were told we would be lonely if we didn't forgive and keep people in our life, even though they were toxic. Some of us thought toxicity was normal because that is how we were raised and what we experienced. The… Continue reading Walk Away From Toxic Situations To Help Humanity

Advice, Being Single And Happy, Self Care, Self Improvement

Be Spontaneous

We all have a busy life and we all only have a certain amount of time to keep our lives in order. Sometimes a fun spur of the moment invitation will come up when we planned to clean the house or get the laundry done and we will be tempted to say no because it… Continue reading Be Spontaneous

Advice, Being Single And Happy, Dating and Relationships, Law of Attraction, Self Care, Self Improvement

Single Women, Please Realize Your Worth

We hear and read about how we should realize our worth all the time.  We think we get it, and we do until someone charms us.  The attention feels good, especially if we haven't had that kind of attention in a while. We can find out the person is broken in some way - maybe… Continue reading Single Women, Please Realize Your Worth

Food/Cooking, Self Care

Freezing Meals The Simple Way

Lately I've been inspired by Youtubers that are taking a day to cook and prepare many frozen meals for later use.  This would have been really good for me to do back when I was raising my family.  Now that my family is raised and I'm single, at first I thought it would be of… Continue reading Freezing Meals The Simple Way

Advice, Being Single And Happy, Dating and Relationships, Law of Attraction, Self Care, Self Improvement

For Singles Struggling With Being Alone.

Let's be grateful for having time to pursue our interests and the ability to do whatever we want to do without having to think about another person.  We get to be selfish. This is a season in our life and it won't last forever (if we don't want it to) so we better enjoy it… Continue reading For Singles Struggling With Being Alone.

Advice, Law of Attraction, Self Care, Self Improvement

Your Energy Is Precious; Spend It Wisely

Are you unhappy with how your life is turning out? If so, consider what you are spending your energy on.  Maybe there are some situations or people you need to let go of.  Our energy is precious and is what will bring us our dreams but we need to use it for our dreams and… Continue reading Your Energy Is Precious; Spend It Wisely

Advice, God, Law of Attraction

Tough Times Always Pass

I've found the tough times always pass, no matter how horrible it may seem at the time.  Many times a certain situation changed due to changing my perspective on it.  Many times a certain situation changed by focusing on what was happening NOW, rather than the problem. Many times a certain situation changed because I… Continue reading Tough Times Always Pass

Advice, Dating and Relationships, Self Care

Self Love Breaks The Cycle Of Abuse

I've recently had something blow up in my face that at first felt traumatic.  But within the next couple of days, it made me see why I've had toxic relationships in my life and therefore will help me to stop the cycle. Without going into too much detail, the thing that happened was that my… Continue reading Self Love Breaks The Cycle Of Abuse