Food/Cooking, Gardening, Herbs

Boost Your Immune System With Dandelion Tea

Since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic I've been on a quest to grow as many fruits, vegetables and herbs as possible for my health, and in case anything happened to our food system. During this quest I found out that Dandelion is highly nutritious. Dandelions are full of antioxidants and boost the immune system… Continue reading Boost Your Immune System With Dandelion Tea


Food Forest Update: Tomato Plants from Slices, Herb Cuttings, Potato Plants from Potatoes and More!

At the beginning of the pandemic, I decided it would be a good idea to grow as much produce as possible. My yard is a blank canvas for the most part. I used to be an avid gardener up until my marriage ended 12 years ago. Six of those 12 years I lived in an… Continue reading Food Forest Update: Tomato Plants from Slices, Herb Cuttings, Potato Plants from Potatoes and More!


A Daily Dose Of Self Love

Sharing a thoughtful post from my daughter’s blog 🙂

Shauna Resinger Blogs

Hello! I have decided to share with you the first message received for those who subscribed to “Daily Insights With Shauna” On Self Love. If you would like to subscribe to get more messages like these, there will be a link below, or check out my previous blog.

​”Certain days of life are meant to be completely on hold. It seems there is not a single drop of success, love, or movement surrounding you. Life’s spark has been lost, and hopelessness is the best way to describe it.

There are so many reasons why our life seems to be out of service. It’s just all happening behind the scenes. Sometimes these days are best spent releasing emotions, balancing our routine, or simply being present in the moment- without all the distractions. It’s actually here for our development and expansion.

What’s most likely to happen during pauses in life…

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