Advice, Dating and Relationships, Law of Attraction

Letting Things Be

Sometimes it’s best to let things be.

Sometimes there’s situations in life we’d like to resolve, but it seems any action taken would just make things worse.  The reason it makes things worse is because we are trying to control things and get the outcome we want.  We really don’t have control of any outcome, especially when it comes to relationships in life.  In relationships, there’s another person with their own opinions and feelings.

I’ve been in this situation numerous times in life and each time it has been difficult to let things be – of course because I wanted to control the outcome.  But each time I was able to let things be, I found the situation would resolve itself either in a way that was better than expected, a lesson learned or sometimes the situation would just pass and eventually all would be okay.

As I mentioned earlier, it can be difficult to let things be and sometimes we can emotionally react to situations (I’m speaking from experience, haha). This usually makes everything worse and can even damage relationships.  So how do we let things be when it can be difficult?  Here are some ideas:

  • Realize that things will go much more smoothly if you ALLOW things to happen instead of making things happen.  Of course there are times when we need to make things happen, like working on our goals, but when it’s a situation that you’ve already did everything you know how to do and there doesn’t seem to be anything else you can do without messing things up, then just allow things to happen.
  • When we ALLOW things to happen, we open ourselves up to the possibility of something wonderful happening.  A surprise!  It then becomes a journey full of possibility and surprises.  Maybe it will be a lesson learned, or maybe it will lead to an exciting new opportunity.  Sometimes lessons learned are difficult, but those lessons will help you to make better decisions later and that will lead to a better life.
  • Train yourself to say “Let it Unfold” and look forward to seeing what the results are.  Believe that The Universe, or God, has your back and that the best solution will present itself.
  • When I’ve been able to let things be in the past, I remember feeling freedom and a release of stress to not have to think about it anymore.  This alone is a good reason to let things be.

When we allow things to happen, we aren’t attached to any outcome and in flow with life.  When we are in flow with life is when we are feeling good, living in the present moment and attracting the things, results and situations we want.  We can see the bigger picture because we are calm and peaceful.  That’s how the law of attraction basically works. The trick is to let the result go and trust that the best result for you will happen.

But when we try to control things for the outcome we want, we are thinking of related things that happened in the past, trying to forecast the future, trying to protect ourselves, etc. and then we usually respond in a way that is not best for the situation because our vision is limited by fear or other negative thoughts.  And guess what?  We usually get a negative result.

Please leave a comment below if you have anything you’d like to add or just your thoughts.  Thank-you!

~ Monica

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P.S. I also am a long-time seller on eBay, selling clothing, jewelry, yarn, rubber stamps, handbags and other odds and ends.  If you’d like to check out my eBay store, click here: Monica’s eBay Store

And, I dabble in art and sell prints, clothing, bags, blankets and more with my art on them. If you’d like to check it out, click here: Monica’s Art

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Copyright, 2018, Monica Resinger. This article was written by Monica Resinger who co-owns the website Bubble Bath Self Empowerment.  Please visit the site for ideas and advice for how to life a joyful and empowered life:



12 thoughts on “Letting Things Be”

  1. Monica – so true! I have noticed how free & more positive it is to allow things just go. I love your insights! you looked so calm and happy, while theres “life happens” thing, you still looked so tense free and just smiley and happy ❤ good for you ((hugs)) love ya girlie

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