Law of Attraction, Self Care, Self Improvement

“Make the internal commitment to say yes to whatever arises in this moment” Eckhart Tolle

When we resist the current moment wanting something else, it causes suffering. I am relating to this currently because I have been wanting different things happening in my life than what are actually happening. Because I have been doing this, I have felt unhappy when there are actually things to be grateful for. Like seeing… Continue reading “Make the internal commitment to say yes to whatever arises in this moment” Eckhart Tolle

Advice, Dating and Relationships, Law of Attraction, Self Care, Self Improvement

Experience Joy by Being in the Now

When I am completely focusing on my passions, I feel completely fulfilled.  Usually this state takes no effort.  For me it usually happens in the morning and lasts a few hours, then when there are things that need doing, like work, errands or chores, I am taken out of that wonderful flow.  If I do… Continue reading Experience Joy by Being in the Now

Advice, Law of Attraction, Self Improvement

Inspired Action and Forced Action Are Both a Good Thing

If the majority of the time we are focused on our dreams, we will be inspired to actions to make those dreams come true.  When we are inspired to action, it is said to be much more effective than forcing actions.  But I do have to say that there have been times I forced myself… Continue reading Inspired Action and Forced Action Are Both a Good Thing