Herbs, Lavender, Self Care

Lavender Essential Oil for Muscle Pain, Tension and Headaches

A few days ago I woke up with pain in my neck and right shoulder. Evidently, I slept in a weird position. I’m one who avoids Acetominophen and Ibuprofin and only take it when the pain is bad enough to affect my day. I was getting ready to reach for Tylenol on this day, but then I remembered Lavender and how I was using it a while back for muscle pain and how it worked almost instantaneously.

So I got out a small plastic lip balm container that I had and put about a teaspoon of coconut oil into it, then mixed in about 10 drops of lavender essential oil. I rubbed this onto the areas I had pain and within minutes, the pain was 90% gone. The remaining 10% ‘pain’ was so low it didn’t feel like pain – I could just feel that it was there.

The coconut oil I used was the ‘carrier’ oil and another oil (olive, grapeseed, avocado, etc.) can be substituted. A carrier oil is used to avoid putting straight essential oil onto your skin then having a reaction because it could be too strong.

This ‘rub’ can also be applied to your temples to relieve headaches, or under your nose to help you sleep. The aroma of Lavender is so lovely and relaxing. What a wonderful way to get relief.



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