Brainstorming, Law of Attraction, Reprogramming Our Subconscious Mind To Live Heaven On Earth, Self Improvement

How Journaling Can Help With Change You Want to Make

We all have something we want to change in our lives. Maybe we would like more security. Maybe we would like a loving relationship. Maybe we would like better health. Maybe we would like to be an entrepreneur, rather than have a 9 to 5 job. The good news is that we can change these… Continue reading How Journaling Can Help With Change You Want to Make

Art, Law of Attraction, Reprogramming Our Subconscious Mind To Live Heaven On Earth

Raise Your Vibration – Good Childhood Memories + New Art ’69 Stang

When you raise your vibration, it helps to attract good things into your life. One way to raise your vibration is to remember good childhood memories. I'm not a materialistic person but - when I was a kid (and still to this day) my dad (who is now 80) always had 3 or 4 very… Continue reading Raise Your Vibration – Good Childhood Memories + New Art ’69 Stang

Law of Attraction, Reprogramming Our Subconscious Mind To Live Heaven On Earth, Self Care

Raise Your Vibration By Laughing + Two Funny Images For You

Laughing is a way to lift our mood and when our mood is lifted we are in a more magnetic vibration - meaning we will attract the things and experiences that we want faster. Whenever I feel my mood going down or I catch myself going negative, I do a number of things to get… Continue reading Raise Your Vibration By Laughing + Two Funny Images For You

Law of Attraction, Reprogramming Our Subconscious Mind To Live Heaven On Earth

How To Hear Your Intuition + Intuition Owl Art

When we are present and not ruminating about the past or worrying about the future, we can hear our intuition. Our intuition may be warning us about a person or situation, or nudging us to take an action that will better our lives. I think I've spent probably 75% of my time or more not… Continue reading How To Hear Your Intuition + Intuition Owl Art

Law of Attraction, Reprogramming Our Subconscious Mind To Live Heaven On Earth

Raise Your Vibration! Share Your Affirmation(s) Related To This Art

An affirmation is a positive statement about how you want to feel/believe or something that you want. When an affirmation is repeated, it reprograms our subconscious mind, which the universe works through and inspires our actions to those new beliefs/statements. If we all share affirmations in the comments related to this art we can read… Continue reading Raise Your Vibration! Share Your Affirmation(s) Related To This Art

Art, Law of Attraction, Reprogramming Our Subconscious Mind To Live Heaven On Earth

Christmas Spirit Snowman Art With Meditation & Focus Words To Raise Your Vibration

This is my painting from 2006 that I embellished with related words to meditate and focus on in the holiday season. It is available to purchase on Fine Art America here, and the print is available as prints to hang on your wall, coffee cups, jigsaw puzzles, greeting cards, fleece blankets, tote bags, clothing and… Continue reading Christmas Spirit Snowman Art With Meditation & Focus Words To Raise Your Vibration

Law of Attraction, Reprogramming Our Subconscious Mind To Live Heaven On Earth

You Get What You Think About

You get what you think about. Think good and lovely thoughts. Look for experiences, people and things that you love. When driving I look for things I love and when I see them, I say it out loud. The colors of the trees. A pretty car. When someone lets me in a lane. I do… Continue reading You Get What You Think About

Law of Attraction, Reprogramming Our Subconscious Mind To Live Heaven On Earth

Tips For Raising Your Vibration

If you are not familiar with what raising your vibration means - it simply means getting in a better mood. When we are in a high vibration, or good mood, our energy is magnetic to other energy at the same level and we attract good experiences, things and help the universe bring us our dreams.… Continue reading Tips For Raising Your Vibration

Law of Attraction, Reprogramming Our Subconscious Mind To Live Heaven On Earth

Attract Your Dream Home

Instructions: With the questions that follow, don't limit your answers in any way. You can write your answers down or keep them in your head. After the questions are answered, visualize the complete package, then visualize that vision whenever you can. The more frequently you do this, the more powerful it will become, and the… Continue reading Attract Your Dream Home

Law of Attraction, Reprogramming Our Subconscious Mind To Live Heaven On Earth, Self Improvement

Reprogramming Our Subconscious Mind To Live Heaven On Earth #2 Relationships

This is a series I have committed to. Each post may have affirmations, an inspiring video, art with quotes or affirmations, manifestation stories and more. My first post (Reprogramming Our Subconscious Minds to Live Heaven On Earth – #1 Prosperity) in this series explains why we need to reprogram our subconscious mind and how to do… Continue reading Reprogramming Our Subconscious Mind To Live Heaven On Earth #2 Relationships

Advice, Law of Attraction, Reprogramming Our Subconscious Mind To Live Heaven On Earth, Self Improvement

Reprogramming Our Subconscious Minds to Live Heaven On Earth – #1 Prosperity

Our lifetime of experiences has lead us to believe things about those experiences which may or may not be true. Every time we've had an experience we've thought and said things about that experience. Our subconscious mind hears and believes everything we think and say. Our subconscious mind dictates our actions. That is why it… Continue reading Reprogramming Our Subconscious Minds to Live Heaven On Earth – #1 Prosperity

Law of Attraction, Reprogramming Our Subconscious Mind To Live Heaven On Earth

Visualizing What We Want Rather Than What We Don’t Want

Most of us are living life on auto-pilot. Going to work, coming home, eating, watching some TV, chores, sleeping and repeating. Just getting by.  Surviving. Much of the time our thoughts are on our problems.  Our debt, health issues, relationship issues, etc. This can cause anxiety and depression. What if we spent our time thinking… Continue reading Visualizing What We Want Rather Than What We Don’t Want