Gardening, Home And Garden

How To Propagate Plum Trees With Semi-Hardwood Cuttings

Growing our own produce is a great way to begin becoming more self-sufficient and eat more healthy. Some of the produce we buy from the grocery store is grown with chemicals that are not good for us and grown a great distance away so by the time we get it, much of the nutritional value is lost. During the pandemic, many of us had the experience of some groceries not being available due to some people hoarding or employees getting Covid among other reasons. I admit, that I was a little leary of purchasing produce thinking Covid germs could be on the produce, even though I knew I could wash it, it still got me really thinking about becoming self-sufficient. There’s also the fact that if we grow our own, we save money, and know how it was grown. So now, I’m on a mission to become more self-sufficient and help educate people about it.

Plum trees are one of the easiest fruit trees to root from cuttings. By taking cuttings, we can be sure we are going to get the same fruit as the tree the cuttings are taken from, as opposed to possibly not getting the same fruit when grown from seed. Growing plants from cuttings is rewarding and less expensive.

To take cuttings, select semi-hardwood branches (they bend a bit). The cuttings should be taken with a very clean and sharp tool and they should be at least 5-6 inches long and no longer than 10 inches. Any leaves or buds should be taken off the lower portion of the cutting. In fall and winter, there may be no no leaves or buds on the cuttings.

Dip the cut end in rooting hormone, then stick the cutting into moist potting soil. The cutting can be covered with a glass or clear plastic bag to help retain moisture, but if you plan to check the moisture level of the soil each day, it is not necessary to cover. In approximately 6 weeks, the cuttings should take root. You can check to see if the cutting has rooted by gently pulling it up to see if there is resistance. If there is resistance, it more than likely has rooted. Once rooted, transplant to a pot and grow it protected for about a year before transplanting outdoors. You can keep it protected by growing it on a porch or next to the house, then bring it in if there is freezing temperatures. Also keep it out of scorching hot sun.

If you don’t want to go to the nursery and buy a big potted plant, cuttings are a great option. Maybe you have a friend with a plum tree that you can take cuttings from, or you can purchase them online and have them come in your mailbox. I have many Damson plum trees growing in my back yard and am currently offering them to U.S. residents here: Plant Cuttings For Sale

Warmly, Monica

14 thoughts on “How To Propagate Plum Trees With Semi-Hardwood Cuttings”

  1. Great information, thanks Monica. Must admit my vegetable patch expanded during Covid and Iā€™ve planted some new fruit trees. I like the idea of becoming at least semi self sufficient.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Interesting tidbit to add to my gardening repertoire! Can this be done with other fruit trees? You mention plums the easiest. I likewise added some fruit trees last year. My struggle for next is learning how to keep the deer off of them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Denise – Yes, it can be done with other fruit trees as well. I hope you find a way to keep the deer off of them! I have issues here with birds, bunnies, raccoons and it can be frustrating! So I need to work on finding ways to save my produce this year also.


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