Food Forest Gardening (Permaculture), Gardening, Save the Earth

Jerusalem Artichoke, An Abundant, Beautiful and Delicious Survival Plant

With the current events that we all know and the food shortages, I thought I would tell you about Jerusalem artichokes, a sunflower that has edible tubers. I had heard about them last year and decided it would be a great addition to my food forest (Food Forest Gardening). So I bought 10 tubers from… Continue reading Jerusalem Artichoke, An Abundant, Beautiful and Delicious Survival Plant

Food Forest Gardening (Permaculture), Gardening

Food Forest Notes: Apple Tree From Seed Planted / Compost Boxes Extending Flower Beds / Wind Storm, Pine Branches and Paths

I planted my little apple tree that I started from seed last year. About a week of increasing hours on the porch to adjust it to the weather. I've read that when you start apple trees from seed you never know what kind of apple you will get because the seeds are not true to… Continue reading Food Forest Notes: Apple Tree From Seed Planted / Compost Boxes Extending Flower Beds / Wind Storm, Pine Branches and Paths

Food Forest Gardening (Permaculture), Gardening

How Much Land Is Needed To Grow A Permaculture Food Forest?

Growing your own food means that you will always know what you are eating, where the food has come from, and that the produce is toxin-free! These days there are so many ways that you can grow your own produce, from caring for a few small pots on your balcony to running a farm or… Continue reading How Much Land Is Needed To Grow A Permaculture Food Forest?

Food Forest Gardening (Permaculture), Gardening

Tips for Sourcing New Plants For Your Garden in a Sustainable Way

Now, while the summer season is in full swing, you should be making plans for your garden over the months to come. You might be thinking about ordering trees and shrubs to plant over the dormant period, buying seeds for winter cover crops, or even buying seeds in for next year. But while you may… Continue reading Tips for Sourcing New Plants For Your Garden in a Sustainable Way

Food Forest Gardening (Permaculture), Gardening

Food Forest #1

I’ve always wanted to grow my own food. While experimenting with and learning how to grow the gateway veggies like tomatoes, carrots, and herbs I came across the concept of “food forests”. Let’s briefly brush over what a food forest is, before I share my list of plants, cost and time involved, and a few… Continue reading Food Forest #1

Beauty, Food Forest Gardening (Permaculture), Gardening, Herbs, Homemade Beauty Products, Nasturtium, Self Care, Using Herbs and Flowers

Nasturtium: Easy-to-Grow Edible Flowers with Benefits for Hair Growth

This is the Nasturtium I'm growing this year. I don't remember the name of the variety, I just picked out a packet at the store that looked pretty. They mound rather than vine. They are so easy to grow. Just plant the seeds in the garden, keep the soil moist and watch them grow. I… Continue reading Nasturtium: Easy-to-Grow Edible Flowers with Benefits for Hair Growth

Food Forest Gardening (Permaculture), Gardening, Thrifty

How I Created Raised Garden Beds For Free

Before the pandemic hit, I only had a 4x4' garden bed. I was laid off from my job and concerned about food shortages so wanted to start growing a larger garden. I also had health in mind, wanting to grow herbs and produce. In the past I studied herbs and knew many of them have… Continue reading How I Created Raised Garden Beds For Free

Food Forest Gardening (Permaculture), Gardening, Save the Earth

Bealtaine Cottage, An Inspiration For A Healthier World

Yesterday on Youtube I found a very inspiring woman that lives in Ireland. Sixteen years ago she purchased a large piece of property that was all grassy field. She purchased this property to prove to people what one woman can do to help the earth's health. She was not happy that Ireland was taking down… Continue reading Bealtaine Cottage, An Inspiration For A Healthier World