Chamomile, Homemade Beauty Products, Self Care, Using Herbs and Flowers

How to Make Chamomile-Infused Oil for Skin: 2 Easy Methods

Making chamomile-infused oil provides a soothing and aromatic oil that can benefit your skin. It can be used as-is directly on the skin or as an ingredient in homemade lotions and salves. Chamomile is calming, comforting, and has anti-inflammatory properties that soothes dry, red and irritated skin. It can soothe mild pain and promote healing. Chamomile-infused oil… Continue reading How to Make Chamomile-Infused Oil for Skin: 2 Easy Methods

Catnip, Home Remedies, Using Herbs and Flowers

Catnip (Nepeta cataria): Medicinal Uses and Tea Recipe

Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is more than just a favorite treat for our feline friends. This flowering perennial herb from the mint family has a rich history of medicinal use. Whenever I drink the tea, I get relaxed and sleepy, even if it's been a rough day. Here are its remarkable benefits and how to make… Continue reading Catnip (Nepeta cataria): Medicinal Uses and Tea Recipe

Home Remedies, Lavender, Self Care

Lavender Essential Oil for Muscle Pain, Tension and Headaches

A few days ago I woke up with pain in my neck and right shoulder. Evidently, I slept in a weird position. I'm one who avoids Acetominophen and Ibuprofin and only take it when the pain is bad enough to affect my day. I was getting ready to reach for Tylenol on this day, but… Continue reading Lavender Essential Oil for Muscle Pain, Tension and Headaches