Gardening, Herbs, Plant Propagation

Step-by-Step Guide to Propagating Sage from Cuttings

Propagating sage from cuttings is a rewarding way to expand your herb garden and/or share your plants with friends and family. Here’s a step-by-step guide (this method works for any variety of sage): Get Sage Cuttings: Obtain healthy sage cuttings that are 4-6" long. You can take these cuttings any time during the growing season. Prepare… Continue reading Step-by-Step Guide to Propagating Sage from Cuttings

Gardening, Plant Propagation

Step-by-Step Guide to Propagating Roses from Cuttings

Propagating roses from cuttings is a rewarding process and an inexpensive way to expand your garden. It's also a great way to get varieties you may not be able to find at the store. Here’s a step-by-step guide: Gather Your Materials: Sharp pruners, scissors, or a knife disinfected with rubbing alcohol. A 2.5- to 5-inch-deep… Continue reading Step-by-Step Guide to Propagating Roses from Cuttings

Herbs, Plant Propagation

Propagating Rosemary: Easy Water and Soil Methods

Rosemary is drought-tolerant, pest-repellent, and deer-resistant. Its blue flowers attract pollinators and it smells heavenly! It is excellent for teas, baking, cooking, medicinal & cosmetic uses and more. Propagating rosemary from cuttings is a great way to expand your herb garden, or to share with your friends. Here are six simple steps to get you started: Gather… Continue reading Propagating Rosemary: Easy Water and Soil Methods

Plant Propagation

Step-by-Step Begonia Leaf Propagation Guide: Water and Soil Methods

Propagating Begonia leaf cuttings is an easy, fun and rewarding way to get new Begonia plants. You can give them as gifts to your plant loving friends, make more plants for yourself or purchase cuttings online of varieties that are not available locally in your area. Here are the steps for water and soil propagation:… Continue reading Step-by-Step Begonia Leaf Propagation Guide: Water and Soil Methods

Gardening, Plant Propagation

How to Propagate Lilacs from Cuttings: A Step-by-Step Guide

Propagating lilacs from cuttings is a rewarding way to grow more of these beautiful shrubs. Here’s a guide on how to do it: Taking the Cuttings: Use sharp, clean pruning shears and cut a 6-inch section of new growth from the lilac plant. Make sure to take the cuttings below a leaf node (a node… Continue reading How to Propagate Lilacs from Cuttings: A Step-by-Step Guide

Gardening, Herbs, Plant Propagation

Easy Steps for Rooting Mint Cuttings in Water

Mint plants (genus Mentha) are easy-to-grow fragrant perennial herbs with stems that are erect, square, and branched. They can grow to heights ranging from 4 inches to 48 inches. Many mints are considered invasive, so if you don't want that, it's better to plant them in pots. Rooting mint cuttings in water is an easy… Continue reading Easy Steps for Rooting Mint Cuttings in Water


Step-by-Step Guide to Propagating Vinca Minor from Cuttings

Vinca is a lovely and low-maintenance groundcover plant that can add a splash of color to your garden. The flowers are blue, purple, lavender or white and the leaves can be solid green or variegated. It grows to a height of 3-6 inches and its' trailing vines can extend up to 18 inches. Vinca grows… Continue reading Step-by-Step Guide to Propagating Vinca Minor from Cuttings