Using Herbs and Flowers

Colorful Chive Butter: A Versatile Recipe for Savory Delights

Chives are so pretty when in flower it's always hard for me to cut them to use in the kitchen. But the flowers are very tasty and make food pretty so I usually take a few flowers from each of my 5 plants whenever I harvest. That leaves some colorful beauty in the garden for… Continue reading Colorful Chive Butter: A Versatile Recipe for Savory Delights

Art, Signs and Symbols

Whimsical Abstract Tropical Fish Art and Fish Symbolism

I created this in an art program called Krita with a mouse (I use a mouse because that is the way that I taught myself and now I'm just used to it - maybe someday I'll use a stylus). I used many layers of my own photos and art along with different brushes, textures and… Continue reading Whimsical Abstract Tropical Fish Art and Fish Symbolism