Gardening, Herbs, Plant Propagation

Easy Steps for Rooting Mint Cuttings in Water

Mint plants (genus Mentha) are easy-to-grow fragrant perennial herbs with stems that are erect, square, and branched. They can grow to heights ranging from 4 inches to 48 inches. Many mints are considered invasive, so if you don’t want that, it’s better to plant them in pots.

Rooting mint cuttings in water is an easy process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Take Cuttings:
    • Cut a healthy mint stem just below a node (where a leaf grows) on the plant.
    • Remove all but the top leaves, leaving a few intact.
  2. Water Propagation:
    • Place the cuttings in a glass jar or vase with about an inch of clean water.
    • Keep the jar out of direct sunlight but in a bright location.
    • Change the water every 3 days to prevent it from becoming dirty.
  3. Root Development:
    • Monitor the cuttings until you see new roots forming. This can take up to a few weeks.
    • Once the roots are a few inches long, it’s time to transplant the mint cuttings into soil.
  4. Transplanting to Soil:
    • Fill a small pot with moistened commercial potting soil.
    • Ensure the pot has a drainage hole to prevent waterlogging.
    • Insert the rooted cuttings into the soil, gently firming it around them.
    • Keep the cuttings in indirect sunlight until they show new growth.
    • Water the potting mix lightly to keep it moist but not saturated.

If you plan on planting mint outdoors, be sure to acclimate your plants by putting them in a sheltered position outdoors each day (beginning with a few hours) and gradually increasing the time every few days. In 7-10 days, they should be spending most of the day outdoors and it will be ok to plant them in their permanent spot of partial shade to full sun.

If you have any questions or feedback, I’d love to hear from you!



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