
Step-by-Step Guide to Propagating Vinca Minor from Cuttings

Vinca is a lovely and low-maintenance groundcover plant that can add a splash of color to your garden. The flowers are blue, purple, lavender or white and the leaves can be solid green or variegated. It grows to a height of 3-6 inches and its’ trailing vines can extend up to 18 inches. Vinca grows best in partial to full shade.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for propagating Vinca minor from cuttings:

  1. Select a Healthy Plant: Choose a healthy and mature Vinca minor plant. Look for strong, green stems and vibrant foliage.
  2. Prepare the Cutting: Using sharp and clean pruning shears, cut a 4-6 inch long stem from the parent plant. Make the cut just below a node (where the roots will form).
  3. Remove Lower Leaves: Strip off the lower leaves from the stem, leaving only a few at the top. This reduces water loss and promotes root development.
  4. Optional: Use Rooting Hormone: While not strictly necessary, dipping the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone can enhance root growth. Rooting hormone is available at garden centers.
  5. Plant the Cutting: Fill a small pot or container with well-draining potting mix. Insert the cutting into the soil, burying it about an inch deep. Water lightly.
  6. Provide Proper Care: Place the pot in a warm, bright location (60-75°F or 15-24°C). Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Avoid direct sunlight.
  7. Transplanting: After 20-25 days, the new Vinca cuttings should have developed roots. Transplant them into your garden bed or larger pots.

Happy gardening! 🌿🌸

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