Gardening, Plant Propagation

Step-by-Step Guide to Propagating Roses from Cuttings

Propagating roses from cuttings is a rewarding process and an inexpensive way to expand your garden. It’s also a great way to get varieties you may not be able to find at the store. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Gather Your Materials:
    • Sharp pruners, scissors, or a knife disinfected with rubbing alcohol.
    • A 2.5- to 5-inch-deep pot with good drainage.
    • Potting soil.
    • Rooting hormone (optional but increases chances of rooting).
    • A plastic bag and 2 sticks approximately 6-7 inches tall
  • Take Cuttings: Cuttings should be 3-6 inches long with at least three nodes (nodes are where leaves emerge from the stem and roots will develop).
  • Prepare the Cuttings:
    • Remove lower leaves and side shoots.
    • Dip the cut end in rooting hormone (if using). If purchasing rose cuttings online, re-cut the end, then dip the cut end in rooting hormone.
  • Plant the Cuttings:
    ~ Fill the pot with the potting soil.
    ~ Insert the cutting, leaving the top part exposed.
    ~ Poke holes in the plastic bag. Insert the two sticks into the soil then tent the bag over the sticks to maintain humidity around the cutting.
  • Care for the Cuttings:
    ~ Place on a sunny windowsill.
    ~ Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.
    ~ Wait for roots to form (usually a few weeks to a few months). If the cutting resists from a gentle tug, it has probably rooted.
  • Transplant:
    Once rooted with a few roots that are a few inches long, transplant into individual pots or the garden.

Propagating Rosemary: Easy Water and Soil Methods

Step-by-Step Begonia Leaf Propagation Guide: Water and Soil Methods

How to Propagate Lilacs from Cuttings: A Step-by-Step Guide

English Lavender: How to Grow it and Propagate Cuttings

Step-by-Step Guide to Propagating Vinca Minor from Cuttings

Oregano Water Propagation: A Simple and Rewarding Step-by-Step Guide

How To Propagate Plum Trees With Semi-Hardwood Cuttings

Easy Steps for Rooting Mint Cuttings in Water

Pink Rose with a Bee Art and Pink Rose Symbology

Rose Bouquet Impressionism Painting