Advice, Home And Garden, Self Improvement, Uncategorized

The Importance Of To-Do Lists

I was reminded of the importance of to-do lists this weekend. I work full time and when the weekend comes around I feel really scattered because there seems to be so much to do.  The scatteredness is not a pleasant feeling – I’ll think of a few things I need to do, then start doing one, then think of some more, then feel overwhelmed because there’s so many things to do running through my head.

For a long time I had always wrote a list on the weekends of everything I needed to do, then life turned upside down for a while and I somehow forgot to make my weekend lists.  This weekend I had that scattered feeling and I remembered that I used to make a list on the weekends.  So I made the list and I immediately felt a lot better.

Just getting all of it out of my head and onto paper where I wouldn’t forget was such a relief.  When I would look at the list it seemed like a lot to do but before you know it, I had most of the list complete with time to spare to go out to dinner and shopping with my daughter.  The few things that I didn’t do I decided to do on Sunday because they were errands I needed to drive for and I grouped them all together.  Got those few things done and there was only one thing left on my list that I decided to do another day because I felt like relaxing.

When everything is written down I don’t feel rushed because then I can see how much time is left in the day, how long those things will take to complete and know there’s plenty of time.  When it isn’t written down, there’s no way to see this working out smoothly.  I just have a jumbled mess in my head wanting to get them done as soon as possible so they can be out of my head. I can also decide to take something off the list if it isn’t that important and I’d rather do something else.  Finally, there’s something gratifying about crossing off the things you did from the list. At the end of the day I can look at my list and see how many things I accomplished.

What are your thoughts? Do you make lists? How have lists helped you? How do you stay on top of things?  Would love to hear from you!

~ Monica


65 thoughts on “The Importance Of To-Do Lists”

  1. Wow, that’s great. See, I am too lazy during my weekends never made any lists on weekends, I think that is why I used to get confused and see things scattered around me!! It will be helpful for, ‘ll try in my upcoming weekend!! Thanks for sharing. Keep going. 😊✌

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    1. I’ve been through the lazy thing too – like so much was going on that I needed a break and didn’t want to do anything. But it seemed impossible to rest with all the things that needed doing, which really wasn’t all that much. Once it’s all done, then I can have my lazy-time! 😉 Thank-you for your comments!

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  2. I have used to do lists in the past although one of my Psychologists suggested once to me that it was more detrimental to my health and wellbeing.
    I wanted to fill every our of the day doing something whether it was for myself or for others, I use them today but in a very different way and tend to be able to prioritise better and has you said some things can be passed over to another day.
    I much prefer Richard Branson and his ideology inasmuch as instead of having a to do list he has a to be list.
    I do agree with you though inasmuch as it helps you prioritise and plan your day better and can help destress you.

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  3. I love a good list!! I have a shopping list that lives permanently on the end of the kitchen bench that I add to as things start to run out. I have a daily to do list in my Calendar (colour coded!!). And I have a to do list at work as well. Ticking things off brings great pleasure!

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  4. I use an App called Finish which is a to do list, and you can have re-occurring ‘tasks’. The to-do list includes the important things for every day such as journaling, eat breakfast etc. and then the weekly tasks such as cleaning the fish tank. Without a list I am lost and mission-less.

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  5. Helpful thoughts here! I’ve been more of a Post-It kinda guy but did at times make a running list which is better, I’m just too sporadic to be honest and I fall back to my old do it as I think of it, and forget too! Thanks for the motivation.

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    1. I understand about falling back to the old. I’ve done it over and over again because I am more of a spontaneous type. That said, spontaneity wasn’t helping with the scattered feeling (that I didn’t like) I had when it came to things I had to get done. Thank-you for your comments – I appreciate them! 🙂

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      1. Regimentation, repetition or force of habit can keep one moving along, “into doing,” like a well lubricated machine, but, too much conformity and rigidity can suppress freethinking and individuality; so this becomes the question, as to what is most important for each individual, being more compulsive and taking care of every little detail or task of mundane life, or raising one’s consciousness above the fray being allowed the freedom to explore mind or thought spontaneously; allowing true creativity to flourish.
        And I get it about people’s feelings getting them down, mostly happening when we have others to account to or for that depend or expect specific designs or needs being fulfilled daily; obligations and responsibility. But, when you have no one to account to other than yourself it is extremely easy to be devoid of those scattered feelings that you mentioned getting in the way of seeking inner balance and happiness through true spontaneity.
        “Different stokes for different folks” is all I can say to it all. I think people mostly do what they have to do. If not they won’t be doing too much that keeps them afloat for long and then real bad feelings will take hold. Mostly being in a state of flux and trying to attain a balance in an unbalanced world is what we are faced with. Thanks for the opportunity.

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      2. It’s not really rigid because, as I state in the post, sometimes I’ll choose not to do things on the list. For me, the most important thing is it gets me out of my head feeling like ‘there’s so much to do’ because now it’s on paper where I see that it isn’t all that much that I have to do. Then I can decide if I want to take something off the list, do it another day, or whatever. I appreciate your comments. 🙂

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      3. I see and did get that from what you said, but I did want to carry the process in the other direction to its extreme perhaps but in so doing arrive at the consensus that all we can really do when all is said and done is try “striking a balance” in our own personal lives and with regard to our own goals or what makes us most happy and peaceful as we can ultimately be; living in an imperfect at times unfair world. I like the Article and you bring good food for thought and personal reflection. Have a lovely day! 🙂
        PS Just to note here I do tend to push the envelope at times if something is vitally important to understand and not just gloss over like so many people tend to do or let’s say Blow it Off! That’s why my horrendously long comments. I can be a pill😉

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      4. What a nice thing to say; maybe I’m too hard on myself at times or got too strong an impression from somebody along the way that I was starting to be annoying, But, regardless a vote of confidence is always powerful medicine, so thank you. And, I think looking at both sides of any given situation is wise too! Look forward to further interactions. Have a lovely day. 🙂

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      5. Me too for sure; and again thank you for a job well done! My dad always told me growing up when I’d be fixing this or that or tuning up my car; “you have to have the right tools for the job.” I’d say you’ve said that here too. Good old fashioned, sensible and practical thinking! Have a great weekend! 😉🙂

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  6. Oh, I definitely do lists, though for now I keep most in my head. Still, as standing in a doorway wondering why I’m here, becomes a daily – not a monthly – occasion, paper lists gain appeal.

    I’m all about deferred gratification, meaning I organize my lists in descending order, from most challenging tasks, to most satisfying. That way, there’s always something easier, or more rewarding, just ahead. Great way to give optimism a natural boost.

    Also, if I don’t get to everything on my list, at least I know the toughest jobs already are done!

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  7. I love this post.
    I am absolutely terrible with lists, but I try frequently to use them. When I made “pen and paper” lists, I would forget to bring them with me. The last few months I have started to make digital lists on my smartphone, since I know that I’m less likely to forget to bring that wherever I am going (sort of sadly). I’ll also send the list to my husband, and i’ll mark a calendar reminder so I remember to look at it.
    Haha. That’s how terrible I am. 🙂
    I have to make lists nowadays, however, because there is so much to do, all the time, it seems. Grocery lists, to-do lists, password lists, you-name-it-lists, the list goes on…

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      1. I try to use programs that can be synced across my devices, just for simplicity sake. For example, Google Docs can be loaded from just about anywhere, and with my husband, son, and I all having Google Pixel phones, it makes it more seamless for us! That way, I can make a list on the go for something and even if my phone battery dies, I can access it anywhere with internet. I can also add it as a reminder to our family calendar!

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  8. I loved your blog on to-do lists. It is such a good way to organize your mind and your weekend. I find myself making lists also to organize how I feel about someone. Maybe not nice to have pros and cons about a person but I think it is very helpful. I also love how you write. Thank you.

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    1. Thank-you Summer. I’ve done the pros and cons thing with people too – especially with you know who! I think sometimes when certain people are showing toxic behavior we need to do that for ourselves. I also have a stack of papers I wrote in all the craziness with you know who – sorting things out, journaling, thought I was even channeling for a while – now that I’ve shut the door, I think it was just me telling myself what I wanted to hear. Either that or I’m blocking his energy. I thought maybe some night on a full moon I’d go out and burn them as a way to close it completely but I’m not all the way there yet.

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      1. You and I have been on the same journey with the journaling and I’m sure I was channeling DM with all the erotic stories. But maybe not because I still can write about things I know nothing about. I have shared much of what I wrote in my journal in my blog, guess it is too late for me to burn the paper copies.😁

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      2. Yes, we have definitely been on a similar journey – I relate a lot with what I’ve read of yours. Some of the channeling I did came true. One of the last ones I did said he was going to come back sober, and he did, but it was very short-lived. There was also talk of moving in together and hints of marriage, which I also channeled. Now with over 3 months space I see it completely different. I’ve had the space before, but on those other times I wanted him back. This time I do not. There’s only one way I’ll begin to see him again and that is with a good chunk of time being sober under his belt and being able to see that he enjoys life without alcohol. Can’t go through the pain again.

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      3. I know very little about my DM has he has kept himself hidden from me. He tells me little of his personal life but I suspect that he also is a drinker just because of some of the offensive things he says to me in text messages and some of the things he wants me to do. I keep asking for a real conversation but he hasn’t opened up yet. Makes me wonder what he is hiding. He is completely normal on the phone and the one time we were together in person. He asked me to be his one and only and his partner but then he ghosted me for a month. So I don’t know and don’t understand, all I can go by is this intense sexual connection and desire and I want no one else.

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      4. I hear you. Over and over again I was ghosted after being told he loved me. And I thought he actually acted like it too, but I now think it might have all been an act. I don’t know and may never know. I hope we both get clarity and closure and/or healing. The roller coaster is damaging to us and I refuse to do it ever again. I’m sorry you’ve been through it too. It hurts.

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      5. The hurt has been and is indescribable but it also helped release old wounds that had never healed. I just want him to be with me or give me closure. No more mind games. I will let you know how it turns out. ❤️

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      6. I’m sorry he gives you mind games and I’m hoping for the best. With mine I had to say enough is enough (in my own head) because I knew he wouldn’t stop the games. I may have loved him but I wasn’t loving myself to allow him to disrespect me like that. I had to give myself my own closure. I still would like to have the closure of understanding if he is my TF or just a catalyst for change. I’ve heard before that sometimes we don’t end up in a relationship with our TF. So how will we know? I suppose it’s the change that’s important and not whether or not he is my TF.

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      7. He taught you to love yourself first and that maybe is what it is about. For me there has never been anyone else who I have felt their energy so strongly in my sacral chakra (sexual energy), even though I never see him in person. We can talk telepathically too (only with him ever ), so if he isn’t my TF what is he? He feels this stuff too, so don’t understand why the mind games. He says I belong to him and will never let me go. Yet he ghosts, plays games, abandons me, etc. Etc.
        Thank you for letting me talk to you about this. The masculines are having a hard time with this and figuring it out too.

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      8. Feel free to talk to me anytime. My email is All the things you mention above I’ve felt with my DM. If we tolerate that behavior though, neither the DF or DM heals and the cycle continues. Supposedly when DF heals (meaning we stop tolerating bad behavior), DM mirrors that and then union is possible. So the best thing we can do for ourselves is let go and work on ourselves, no matter how hard it is. DM constantly playing games is actually harder on us. I’m at a place where I’m enjoying life more than ever because I’m not heartbroken and all over the place anymore. I feel like I healed and if any man comes in my life playing those kind of games with me ever again, I’d not have anything to do with him, no matter the connection. This whole thing with DM took me to a very low low. I’m not ever going through it again.

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  9. Was just thinking this morning that I need to get back to write a to do list. When I don’t, it’s so easy to get scattered and not accomplish as much, because my thoughts aren’t organized. Thanks for encouraging me to begin doing this now! And off I go to write my list🥰

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      1. 💕Thank you for the reminder! There are so many things to accomplish in the day, with out a list things scatter. Even if we don’t complete our lists, it helps to organize time. Thanks again for this helpful reminder. I’ve started the to-do list again and am accomplishing much more! Yay! God bless🥰

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